

The Administrative Committee is made up of the moderator, stated clerk, and chairmen of each permanent committee to coordinate the presbytery's business. The Administrative Committee is also the nominating committee.

Moderator: RE Troy Gibson*

Stated Clerk: RE Samuel J. Duncan

Recording Clerk: RE John Rice

Advisory: TE Shannon Philio

Christian Education: TE James Logan

Examining & Candidates: TE Tommy Shields

Missions: TE John Franklin

RUF: TE Knox Baird

Review of Sessional Records: RE Chris Bird

*Denotes chairman of each committee


The Advisory Committee is charged with expressing a brotherly interest and concern in and to churches and ministers within presbytery's bounds, especially to those churches without a pastor.

Class of 2023

RE Ben Bowden
TE Toby Holt

Class of 2024

RE Ronnie Eaves
TE Shannon Philio*

Class of 2025

RE Dennis Robinson
TE Larry Mills

Christian Education

The Christian Education Committee coordinates all matters under the auspices of the General Assembly’s Committee on Christian Education and Publications, supervises the work of Women in the Church, and the youth programs of the presbytery. This committee also aids congregations in the development of local programs.

Class of 2023

RE John Chaney
TE Chris Willett

Class of 2024

RE Bo Morgan
TE James Logan*

Class of 2025

RE D.J. Luper
TE Zeek Dean

Candidates & Examining

The candidates and examining committee oversees the examination and admission of ministers to the presbytery, as well as those serving as candidates and interns. This committee also establishes student or elders supply relationships.

Class of 2023

RE Bob Lee
TE Hugh Acton
TE Eric Greene

Class of 2024

RE Jordan Carl
TE Tommy Shields*
TE Davis Morgan

Class of 2025

RE David Wilkerson
RE Dan Didier


The Missions Committee coordinates all matters pertaining to the General Assembly’s Committees on Mission to the World and Mission to North America, as well as promoting church planting work and overseeing the presbytery’s disaster response.

Class of 2023

RE Tim Murr
TE Jim McCarthy

Class of 2024

RE Tommy Jones
TE Brian McCollough

Class of 2025

RE Troy Gibson
TE John Franklin*

Reformed University Fellowship

Reformed University Fellowship Committee is the presbytery’s liaison to RUF Mid-South and the General Assembly’s RUF permanent committee, and supervises individual RUF campus works within the presbytery’s bounds.

Class of 2023

RE Keith Easterling
TE Rusty Marsalis

Class of 2024

RE Vacant
TE Knox Baird*

Class of 2025

RE Mike Smith
TE Vacant

Class of 2026

TE Tim Horn

Review of Sessional Records

The Review of Sessional Records Committee completes an annual review of the minutes of all sessions within the presbytery’s bounds and report exceptions to presbytery for approval or rejection.

Class of 2023

RE Harry Young
TE Vacant

Class of 2024

RE Vacant
TE David Irving

Class of 2025

RE Bill Stanway
TE Vacant

Class of 2026

RE Vacant
TE Grover Gunn